
20 shots of tequila! I was doing the math and that's what it came out to. That's how much tequila I had in about an hour and a half at my cousin's party. 20 fucking shots. That's not counting the rum I'm told I drank afterwards. I only remember that first hour and a half, after that complete darkness. Wow, I don't think I've ever drank that much that quick.

I found out the girl that Viviana introduced me to was actually interested in me. But I guess I totally ignored her and had a chugging contest with a family member instead. Way to go buddy. I remember when Viviana described her, "big ass...," didn't really catch the rest, I was hooked at that point. She looked nice though, I'd met her before, years ago and remember liking her then. Who would of thought alcohol would stop me from hooking up. Even the tequila let me down.

Another crazy thing that happened, I got food poisoning. The irony is that I ate at a little street side taco place in Mexico, big fat man cooking the food, dirty apron, cheap ass place and the food was great and I didn't get sick. I come back to Vegas, eat at a regional taco chain, Tacos Mexico, the food sucked and my bowels were reduced to liquid for 2 days. I woke up at 4 am and threw up, woke up every hour after that to hit the can. I've barely eaten anything all week, and when I do, I throw it up. My tongue swelled up and bled, I had a fever, I think I had most of the symptoms for ebola. Finally, I'm back to normal today, I think. This has really been the shittiest week ever, literally and figuratively.

I'll leave you with a song, a Mexican classic. I wonder how many generations of men have cried to this song while drinking tequila? For those who don't know, the Jalisco way is with mariachi and tequila. Music and alcohol, but it doesn't really make you forget. You still feel empty.

Ella por Jose Alfredo Jimenez, (rough translation by me)

Me canse de rogarle me canse de decirle,
que yo sin ella de pena muero,
ya no quiso escucharme si sus labios se abrieron,
fue pa' decirme ya no te quiero.

Yo senti que mi vida se perdia en un abismo profundo
y negro como mi suerte, quise hayar el olvido al estilo Jalisco
pero aquellos mariachis y aquel tequila me hicieron llorar.

Me canse de rogarle. Con el llanto en mis ojos alze mi copa y brinde con ella,
no podia despreciarme era el ultimo brindis de un bohemio con una reina.
los mariachis callaron.

De mi mano sin fuerza cayo mi copa sin darme cuenta
ella quizo quedarse cuando vio mi tristeza
pero ya estaba escrito que aquella noche perdiera su amor.

I got tired of begging, I got tired of telling her
that me with out her, of grief I'd die,
But she wouldn't listen, when her lips moved
it was to say 'I don't love you'.

I felt I was losing my life in an abyss
deep and dark like my luck, I tried to forget, the Jalisco way,
but those mariachis and the tequila made me cry.

I got tired of begging. With the tears in my eyes I raised my glass and toasted with her
she couldn't refuse me the last toast of a bohemian with his queen.
The mariachi stopped

With no streangth left, from my hand my cup fell with out me knowing
she wanted to stay when she saw my saddness
but it was already written that night I would lose her love

If my friends would let me, this song would be on repeat all day long.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your life has been very busy since we last spoke.

Freon said...

Wow, haven't heard from you in a long time, almost a year right? Probably my fault more than yours. Call me, we'll hang out.