
Funny Old Lady

I was surfing the television around midnight. For some reason Oxygen, another network for women, was not blocked. I saw this old lady waving a pink dildo around, saying it's her favorite, how it was hard to get the testers to give it back, and how it smells fruity and then smelling it. Oh my god. That's great. I ended up watching the entire show. It's called The Sunday Night Sex Show (it's not Sunday). People call in and ask questions, she has dolls she uses to show different sexual positions, she reviews sex books, shows her favorite sex toys, etc. Since I only got to watch about 15 minutes I went online to the shows site. They have video clips there, which are must see. Especially the one about oral sex. She's holding the dildo up to her mouth to demonstrate. She's right about it not being a pretty sight. Funniest thing on TV, educational too.


Listening to: The Daily Show

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